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5 Best Foods for Fatty Liver and Liver Detox and Cleanse - Foods to Protect Your Liver from Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis, and Liver Cancer, according to a site specializing in liver function.

by developer's warehouse 2023. 12. 9.

So many people are concerned about their liver health these days. More and more people are being diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver, even those who don't drink alcohol;

Too many people have fatty liver disease, and it's important to protect your liver while it's still healthy, and if you're experiencing fatigue, it's important to take care of it. Today, we've analyzed the research and found five foods that protect liver health.

5 Best Foods for Fatty Liver and Liver Detox and Cleanse Thumbnail


5 Foods for Liver Detox and Cleanse in a Nutshell

Nowadays, it's very common for people to be diagnosed with fatty liver during a health checkup. Fatty liver can eventually lead to cirrhosis, and cirrhosis often leads to liver cancer.

So you need to protect your liver while it's still healthy.

The liver is especially important to watch out for if you have a fatty liver, but even if you have a fatty liver, you may not have any symptoms. You won't know unless you get checked out by a doctor, but if you're experiencing frequent fatigue, it's a good idea to get your liver checked out and taken care of.

If you have a fatty liver, you want to make sure it doesn't go into cirrhosis.

A really important reason to be careful from the time you have fatty liver is that you can reverse it back to normal, but once you have cirrhosis, you can't reverse it back to normal, so you have to be really careful.

https://www.liversupport.com, a research site specializing in liver function, recently featured five foods that are great for liver detoxification.


Today, I'll show you what these five are and how to eat them effectively.

What is liversupport.com?


www.liversupport.com is an American research site specializing in liver function that provides comprehensive information on liver health and liver supplements. The site offers the most up-to-date information, news, original articles, liver-healthy recipes, and high-quality nutritional supplements related to liver disease.


5 Best Foods for the Liver recently published by liversupport.com

liversupport.com recently published a list of 5 best foods that are good for the liver.


Here are five foods that are good for your liver, courtesy of liversupport.com, a research site dedicated to liver health.

1. broccoli

Why Broccoli is Good for Your Liver

Broccoli contains a very important phytonutrient called sulforaphane.

This has been shown to help prevent various cancers, including breast and bladder cancer, as well as liver cancer.

Researchers from the University of Illinois Department of Nutrition studied the effects of broccoli on the liver in obese mice. They found that eating broccoli three to five times a week could prevent fatty deposits in the liver and even lower the risk of liver cancer.

It was also found that mice fed a Western diet had increased fat storage in the liver, but the broccoli-containing diet increased lipid release from the liver.

Overall, the researchers found that eating broccoli a few times per week could help prevent fatty liver formation and the risk of liver cancer and liver failure that comes with it.


So, based on these studies, doctors and researchers recommend eating this broccoli regularly if you have a fatty liver or are concerned about your liver, and it's the number one food for the liver.






How to Eat Broccoli

A study on how to eat broccoli effectively was conducted by Chungnam National University Food Science and Technology. According to the research team from Chungnam National University's Department of Food Science and Technology, it is recommended to blanch or steam broccoli at a temperature of about 60 degrees for about 10 minutes to retain the phylloxanthin.
In practice, it is not easy to achieve a 60-degree temperature when cooking. In addition, blanching in boiling water (above 60 degrees) has been shown to reduce it by as much as one-third, so rather than blanching in boiling water, we recommend steaming it lightly.



broccoli cook

2. garlic

What has been studied in the Korean Food Communication Forum and various research papers is that regular consumption of garlic extract significantly lowers the levels of fats in the blood, namely cholesterol and triglycerides, compared to those who do not consume it. Furthermore, when garlic extract was treated on HepG2 cells, it showed a decrease in the content of intracellular triglycerides and cholesterol.In addition, the researchers reported that rats fed garlic powder in their diet had significantly lower blood fat, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.Garlic plays an important role in lowering triglycerides and cholesterol, but lower triglyceride levels are a big help in preventing fatty liver.
So, if you're concerned about your liver health, we recommend eating garlic or garlic extract regularly, as it can help prevent fatty liver and detoxify toxins.

3. grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can be very helpful in cleansing and strengthening the liver because of its liver detoxifying properties that remove toxins from the body.
A 2006 study found that the antioxidants in grapefruit called naringenin and naringin help prevent fatty liver.Liver fibrosis is the hardening of the liver, so these antioxidants may help prevent cirrhosis. There have also been studies on the hepatitis C virus, which causes cirrhosis and liver cancer.

A team of researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States conducted a study to determine how components in grapefruit affect the hepatitis C virus.

The hepatitis C virus exits the infected liver cell by clinging to a fatty protein that transports cholesterol from the liver to each cell, carrying the virus with it.
The components in grapefruit prevented the release of this fatty protein, thus inhibiting the virus from traveling to other cells.

So, in conclusion, the active ingredients in grapefruit have been shown to reduce the activity of the hepatitis C virus by up to 80%.

Not only that, but grapefruit is one of the lowest calorie fruits available, making it a great source of fiber to help you lose weight. Grapefruit also stabilizes blood sugar because it doesn't cause a spike in blood sugar like other fruits, and its refreshing taste prevents overeating, making it a great food for dieters.




However, there is a word of caution when consuming these grapefruits or grapefruit juice.

Drinking grapefruit juice while taking the high blood pressure or high cholesterol medications described below may cause interactions that can lead to adverse drug reactions. Therefore, if you are taking any of these medications, or if you are unsure about your high blood pressure or high cholesterol medications, we recommend that you consult with your doctor before drinking grapefruit juice.


Medications for high cholesterol, such as atorvastatin and simvastatin, should not be taken with grapefruit juice. This is because grapefruit juice can increase the concentration of these drugs in the body, which can cause side effects.

Medications for high blood pressure, such as amlodipine, should not be taken with grapefruit juice. This is because grapefruit juice can increase the calcium channel blocker's action, which can lead to more side effects. You should not drink grapefruit juice one hour before taking your medication or within two hours of taking it.


4 Walnut

Nuts, such as walnuts, contain arginine. Arginine is a type of amino acid that helps the liver remove ammonia.

It's not just walnuts that contain arginine, but also peanuts, almonds, cashews, and other nuts that contain a lot of arginine, so it's a good idea to eat them often. I mentioned in my last post that these nuts also help with hair health and scalp care, so it seems like nuts are really good for you.

But of course there are caveats to nuts

Nuts are surprisingly high in calories, so if you eat too many of them, they can actually make you fat and have a bad effect on your liver. Therefore, it's best to avoid eating them in excess.


5. Apple

Apples are high in dietary fiber, vitamins minerals, and plant-based antioxidants like flavonoids.

These are all substances that are really important to the detoxification process.

Apples are rich in pectin, which aids in the release of toxins produced during the digestive process, which benefits liver health by reducing the burden of detoxification on the liver and removing bad toxins from the blood.

Not only that, but the flavonoids in an apple stimulate bile production, and bile is responsible for detoxification.

Flavonoids, in particular, are found in the skin of apples, so it's best to wash them thoroughly and eat them with the skin on if possible.


5 Foods for Liver Detox and Cleanse Conclusion

The research site www.liversupport.com에서, which specializes in liver health, has published a list of five foods that are good for the liver, based on various studies and analyses. While it's important to eat these foods, it's also important to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and overeating, which can be hard on the liver.

Eat lots of broccoli, garlic, grapefruit, nuts, and apples, and keep your liver healthy.








Broccoli Reverses Liver Damage and Prevents Cancer



Garlic Powder Lowers Weight, Cholesterol, and Triglycerides





"Antioxidant Effect and Sulforaphane Content Analysis of Cooked Broccoli"

"Effects of various garlic extracts on cholesterol synthesis in HepG2 cells"


#liver detox #liver cancer #fatty liver #non alcoholic fatty liver disease #liver fatty liver #liver disease fatty liver #liver detox and cleanse



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